Collection Agents

Please Note

As of 1 December 2016 changes to the Collections for Charitable Purposes Act 1939 (the Act) took effect. Under the new legislative changes Collection Agents (holders of a section 6A licence) are no longer required to be licensed. Charities will be able to engage any collection agent irrespective of which collection agent is currently stated on their licence.

13 licences found

Licence Number Charity or Collection Agent Name Trading Name Trustee Name Title of Appeal
CA112Adelaide All Breed Dog Rescue Incorporated
CA60Aida For Good Pty LtdAida For Good
CA117Air Telecom Pty LtdSales Core
CA126Apex Alliance Pty LtdApex Alliance
CA118Appco Group Sports Pty Ltd
CA20Appco Group Support Pty Ltd
CA52Apple Marketing Group Pty Ltd
CA71Arthritis Foundation of South Australia Inc
CA67AT Infinite Pty LtdInfinite Shows
CA72Australian Disability Sport Inc
CA68Australian Kidney FoundationKidney Health Australia
CA88Australian Sales and Promotions Pty LtdAustralian Sales and Promotions (ASAP)
CA17Austview Holdings Pty LtdSmart Health Australia (Aust)